Monday, April 9, 2007


Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. We have been busy with moving and getting ready for spring. So you have hit the magical 60 mark. Congratulations! Have a cool one for me…
Jamie G

Monday, April 2, 2007

Hiya Jim,
Sorry I'm a bit late in wishing you a Happy 60th!! Hope you are enjoying the new decade so far !! :-)
For all your friends and family, I can vouch that many really do mistake you for Harrison Ford...maybe only in Winnipeg, but nevertheless... you look just as good as him to me!
It was great seeing you and Mary for dinner a few weeks ago....thanks again. Hope to see you both in Winnipeg soon.


Saturday, March 31, 2007

RE: 1975 Sideburns


You look just like Jack Nicklaus in those 1975 sideburns. And if I didn't know better I might think the cute little guy you're holding is a young Scott Clark!

The only problem is that you are celebrating the big 6-0 one day early. As you know (and agreed) on certain really wonderful days (e.g. our round at Pebble Beach last May when you played so well) actually make a guy get one day younger; so, you will not be 60 until Sunday!

All the best for your birthday - wish I was there to enjoy a few with you tomorrow.


Friday, March 30, 2007

Happy B Day from Matt and Lincoln

I know it isn't my dog but figure that you would appreciate the birthday wish all the same.

I wanted to write a list of your sayings and isms that I know so well but I would require a special blog -- all of my own.

Happy BDAY DAD! 60 is the new 40!

Thursday, March 29, 2007




A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip! -

Lisa Scanpbell

Old age isn't so bad when you consider the alternatives

JR Scanpbell

Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened

Alex Scanpbell

Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live

Adam Scanpbell

Uncle Jim

Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
So you've always told,
you are turning 60,
Geeez that is old!

Garlic is White,
Romaine is Green,
you make the best Ceasar,
that we have ever seen!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Jim Hall on his own blog - Yowzer!

I clearly should have completed that DeVry Institute degree in technology so that I didn't have to set up 15 google accounts to get on your know that I'm going to get 15X the spam now.
But I'm here! Happy 60th Old Man!
I thought you might take pride in knowing that both Elton and Arnie are also turning 60 (quick tip...don't wear a speedo after 60 Jim). Have I mentioned that Elton's spouse was in my HBA class? Elton's spouse has set up parties to celebrate the occassion in London, New York, and LA. Mary decided to set up a blog for you Jim.
Tough to believe that I've known you now for thirty years (given my young age of course)...and to think that I met you when you were procuring underage girls for the've come a long way.
The great thing about 60 is that you're just coming out of the bottom part of the J curve. Enjoy yourself. should be requisite that post March 31st, the birthday boy posts some thoughts on this same blog because Jim's philosophical musings are always worthwhile.
By the're still younger than Mick Jagger!


With the chickens

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Cousin

Happy 60th Birthday Jim,
We'll be thinking about you!
Your Western Relatives!

HPPY BDAY_mi ty&oli

Happy 60th Jim
kinda has a ring to it.
Hope you enjoy your birthday today.

mi ty&oli

Monday, March 26, 2007

No lap dance at 60; you are too old.

Jim it seems like only yesterday when we took you out for your 45th birthday at Filmore's. As I recall, I bought you a lap dance and the stripper thought that it was a nice gesture from a son to his dad!!

Doug (your other son - sorry Mat)

He thinks he looks like a @#$@#$movie star (s)!!!

Whenever he comes to my office, he TELLS my very attractive assistant that a lot of people mistake him for Harrison Ford. I think he actually believes it.

Sometimes he tells me that he actually gets mistaken for the actor Michael York. Who the hell is Michael York???

Happy birthday Jim, you old fart.

Love Doug

Jim's Favourite Sayings

"I dont' know if its Saturday night or a bottle of milk" What the hell does that mean??
How about this one" they were sitting around like fat hired girls". Very politically correct Jimmy. How many more people can you insult in one brief phrase!!!... and lastly, "it was tighter than a bull's ass at fly time". Well at least that one makes some sense but are you from Saskatchewan or what???? We don't say that here in T-Dot.


Your 60th?

Hi Jim:

So you are going to be 60! My, my... how fast time flies?

On reflecting on the 35 yrs since we met in the boardroom at Arthur Andersen in Toronto, the following pleasant memories come to mind: the St Charles training School (remember that perfect pass I threw to you); St. JamesTown where I met your charming bride Mary; the dinners at your house and ours, your secret plan to see how drunk you could get the wives at your house; your great Caesar Salads; the Rusty Nail drinking binge with Bob J; the touch football games (you were the star receiver but you didn't want to get into fights), you even tried soccer; our trip to Edmonton to see the Pipe Coating business when you were the Audit Manager on Kendall; the nearly completed mega-million LBO transaction for Kendall when you were with Citibank; the marathon runs (you quit doing marathons way to young); your family trip to Mass to see us (where Matt and Jason went hunting for frogs), your November trips to NYC and our trips to Toronto... and then we lost touch, other than for the Christmas cards.

As your senior citizen, remember I am 3 1/2 yrs older, I can tell you: don't have to worry about hitting the big 60. "It" only gets better with age!

Enjoy you day, Jimmy, and drink one for me.

Best of Health and Happiness!

Sincerely, Gordon

Friday, March 23, 2007